Thursday, September 17, 2009

what is a puppy mill

This may be a little off topic but they breed defected puppies this means they have parasites worms and all that here is a website to learn more there are many links to take u to other things about this kind of stuff. I like animals but puppy mills are just plane cruel and these puppies are prize winning show dogs which sell for a lot but the ones from puppy mills sell for a lot I mean a lot less. Regular show dogs sell for a guess of about 100 dollars a pice but these puppy mill dogs sell for like 30 bucks each.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

community of animal instincts

AS part of team 3, i am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence.

Animal instincts tell the animal to fight but why do they.Fight for dominece and on that matter why do animals fight each other why do their instincts tell them to do that? I think I speak for every one when I say that the oldest male should be the dominent male and when he dies the second oldest should take over I mean come on it dosent make any since I mean all of the pack if they will keep fighting will all die off sooner then they should.Animal instincts tell them to eat,sleep,and to defend them selves but why dose it tell them to fight each other I mean the pups may fight but thats how they play so why must the adults fight thats setting a bad example in front of their babies but then some animals leave the pack and fend for them sleves.